Fobber Code Decryption
After reading the Malwarebytes blog post describing Fobber, a new variant of Tinba, I wanted to have a look at it myself (MD5 691ce6807925fed03cb61f4add0e5ffd
Instead of unpacking all the code at once in memory, Fobber uses a cleverer way to make the analysis much more difficult. Before any code can be executed, Fobber performs the following:
- Decrypt the function to be executed
- Execute it
- Re-encrypt the function
In this post, let’s have a look on how the decryption routine works.
On the screenshot below we see OllyDbg stopped before the decryption function at 0x009E2592
is getting called.
The decryption function will use specific bytes preceding this call to perform the decryption. Let’s describe them:
Position | Description |
- 0xB |
Mutex: either 0x21 (free) or 0xC1 (occupied) |
- 0xA..0x9 |
Code length |
- 0x8 |
XOR key |
- 0x7 |
Either 1 (decrypted) or 0 (encrypted) |
- 0x6 |
Not used |
- 0x5..0x1 |
Call to decrypt function |
0x0 |
First byte of encrypted code |
If we want to match these field to the above code we obtain:
Mutex: 0x21
Key: 0x37
Size 0x9c bytes
Encrypted: 0x0
The size is not directly used but it is first XORed with the constant 0x0E489
, so 0xE415 ^ 0x0E489 = 0x9C
The mutex is 0x21
meaning that no other thread is decrypting it.
Now let’s have a look at the decryption function in IDA:
In loc_2597
the decrypt function waits until the mutex is free (value 0x21
), then it adds 1 to the -7th byte and checks that the the previous value was 0x0
(encrypted), if so, it continues by pushing the XOR key and the computed size to the stack.
Function xor_code
performs the actual decryption.
This function loops from 0 to size
and for each byte code performs the following:
- XOR the current code byte with the XOR key
- Compute a new XOR key for the next step by rotating the bits of the XOR key 3 position to the right (ROR) Once finished it foes back
To simplify this process I wrote a small python script performing the steps described above. You can either use it directly on a dump of the injected memory or adapt it to be loaded in IDA debugger. The script uses pwntools library to dump assembly code to the console.
import re
import struct
from pwnlib.asm import disasm
from pwnlib.context import context
context(arch='i386', os='windows', endian='big', word_size=32)
# Injected memory dump file
f = open("./data/dump_009E0000.mem", "rb")
d = bytearray(
def decrypt_section(key, size, data, start, end):
ror = lambda val, r_bits, max_bits: \
((val & (2 ** max_bits - 1)) >> r_bits % max_bits) | \
(val << (max_bits - (r_bits % max_bits)) & (2 ** max_bits - 1))
tmpkey = key
for i in range(start, end):
b = data[i]
b = ((b ^ tmpkey) & 0xFF)
tmpkey = ror(tmpkey, 0x3, 8)
tmpkey += 0x53
tmpkey &= 0xFF
data[i] = b
# Write ASM code to the console
print disasm(data)
total_length = len(d)
print "Total length %s bytes" % hex(total_length)
count = 0
# Match where encrypted functions begins using this regex
for m in re.finditer('\x21[\x00-\xFF]{5}\xe8[\x00-\xFF]{4}', d):
print "Encrypted code section found at %s" % hex(m.start())
size = struct.unpack('<H', d[m.start() + 1:m.start() + 3])[0]
size ^= 0x0e489
if size > total_length:
print "Wrong match, size bigger then binary data"
key = struct.unpack('B', d[m.start() + 3:m.start() + 4])[0]
encrypted = struct.unpack('B', d[m.start() + 4:m.start() + 5])[0]
if encrypted > 0:
print "Wrong match, encrypted flag must be zero"
print "Key: %s" % hex(key)
print "Size: %s bytes" % hex(size)
print "Encrypted: %s" % hex(encrypted)
decrypt_section(key, size, d, m.end(), m.end() + size)
count += 1
print "-" * 30
print "Found %d references!" % count
# Save the decrypted code to a file
wf = file("./data/decrypted.bin", "wb")
print "Written %d bytes to %s" % (len(d),